30 Jun
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Happy Canada Day Eh!

Canada turns 142 years young! Happy Canada Day!
and for you old timers (pre-1980’s) Happy Dominion Day Eh!

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In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

29 Jun

Billionaires Row in Muskoka

Traveling up to the north end of Lake Joseph there is an area that people refer to as “Billionaires Row“.  Perhaps they are trying to “one up” Lake Muskoka’s Millionaires Row near Beaumaris. Well I have never seen any billionaires around (what do they look like?) however there are certainly some breathtaking abode’s that may reflect a billionaires eclectic tastes.

To get down to the waters edge on this log home it appears you may need to take a tram or perhaps a far reaching swan dive. Lets hope there is a well stocked fridge at the bottom.

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In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

25 Jun

Feels like Summer – Finally!

Its starting to feel like summer has arrived – finally!
This is the interesting and ever changing antique shop up in Rosseau, Ontario.
Please don’t forget the Rosseau Market is open every Friday starting July 03 and until Sept. 04, 2009. If you have not checked it out I would highly recommend it.

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In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

22 Jun

Right Off the Dock in Parry Sound, Ontario

Parry Sound Ontario is the home of Bobby Orr, one of the greatest hockey players ever.
It was a very ominous day looking off the town wharf and out into the mammoth sized waters of Georgian Bay.
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In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

19 Jun

Cruisin the north end of Lake Joseph Muskoka

I noticed this cool boat cruising by an island on the north end of Lake Joseph. It is shaped like a little tugboat however I don’t think that’s what it was. Looks more suited for the big wake of Georgian Bay
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Please click on the image for a Tugboat Annie size photo

In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

17 Jun

Trucking through the forest

Why do people leave vehicles in the woods? While driving north bound on highway #69 towards Parry Sound we spotted this old pickup truck (well not that old) through the trees in early spring. I think its a Dodge? It had a 1982 license plate sticker on it however I don’t think its that old with the square head lights and such.
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Please click on the photo for a truck sized 1280 pixel image

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

15 Jun

Under the Parry Sound Train Trestle

The train trestle crosses over the Seguin River in the heart of Parry Sound, Ontario. Located right on the shores of Georgian Bay this bridge can be seen for many miles. Built by the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) in 1908 this trestle spans 1695 feet long and is 105 feet in height. It is one of the oldest and longest trestles in Canada.

There is a beautiful waterfalls under the bridge where I noticed a fly fisherman doing his thing. I will post on a later date.
Please click
for a train trestle sized photo.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

11 Jun

The Floating Jewels of Muskoka

This launch is named “res ipsa loquitur” or “the thing speaks for itself.”
I am not certain if this beauty is a Greavette,  Minett-Shields or some other Muskoka woody. It looks to be about 30 feet long and has the obligatory mother in-laws seat at the stern. This is the first time I have ever seen this majestic launch, perhaps it was being restored these past few years.

I was not able to get a good shot as I was at the helm of my own boat navigating through the channel at Port Sandfield when I saw her. I’m sure we will meet again. (Please click for supersize pic)

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In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

07 Jun
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Summerholm, a piece of history in Muskoka

Summerholm is a landmark property located on Lake Joseph. The original owners first log cabin built in 1856 still stands today. The original main cottage was completed in 1894. The cottage was constructed from stone found on the property and the lumber from Lamberts saw mill located next door.

The elements of the interior design reflected the arts and crafts movement of the time and would include oak floors, ceiling beams, stained glass and dark woodwork. The main living room was two stories high with an upper gallery that was home to a large pump organ.  The owners would bring their own cow from Rosedale, Ontario so that they would have fresh milk all summer.  This beautiful and historic property has been in the same family for five generations.

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In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario

04 Jun

Last One in is a Dirty Rotten ….

I remember as kids someone would dare you or super duper double dared you to jump in the water first. As kids my buddy Jr. and I stripped down and jumped in a river once because someone quadruple dared us. The snow was still on the ground and we were totally focused on dealing with how cold it was going to be. We jumped in and the rushing river whisked us away. We ended up quite far down stream and fought very hard to get back into the shore. I don’t recall the cold being that important at the time. The things we did that our parents never found out about.

The expression on these kids faces brought back some memories.

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In: in and around muskoka ontario

01 Jun

Muskoka Boathouses, Eye Candy on the Lakes

One of the key attributes of Muskoka are the numerous boathouses nestled in on the shorelines. I don’t believe there is anything else like this in the world.  They can range from little one slip shacks to gigantic mansions with helicopter pads. Many of them offer a deep and interesting history. Whether its a summer home to a previous US President, Hollywood movie star, designs by a famous architects or a property that dates back to the 1800’s they are all interesting to see.

People are always asking to see more of these boathouses so I will make an attempt to include them as I travel throughout the lakes.

Please click on the image for a large 1280 pixel size

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario

28 May

Muskoka Bloggers Featured in The Muskokan Magazine

From the shameless self promotion department –
Myself, and a bunch of other  Muskoka blogger’s were recently featured in a popular Muskoka magazine called “The Muskokan” The story covers the many different types of blogs, why they blog and the personalities behind them. You can pickup the print version almost anywhere around the Muskoka area. For the digital version see the full story here.

This is a photo of reporter Kerri MacDonald attempting to take my picture without breaking her camera 🙂

… thank you Thelma

Click the photo for biggie size

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

24 May

Bracebridge Falls in Muskoka

The Bracebridge Falls is located right downtown in Bracebridge, Ontario.  Bracebridge was the first municipality in Canada to embrace hydro electric power back in 1894. This is the last drop of the north branch of the Muskoka River before it meets up with the south branch.

It was a miserable rainy and cold day when I passed through last weekend. Quite a few people were still exploring, fishing and taking photos. (Canadians are tough!) The Muskoka area has an abundance of waterfalls throughout and I plan to get out and capture a few more.

Please click on the image for a large sized photo.

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In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

19 May

The May Two-Four Weekend in Muskoka

The Victoria Day long weekend in Canada is usually the kickoff to our summer. This weekend is also known as the May Two-Four weekend (for those of you outside of Canada our beer is sold in 24 packs) but the holiday does not necessarily fall on the 24th of May.

This is the weekend that most people open their cottages, plant gardens or go camping. The highways are busy with people hauling their boats and heading to their favorite destination.

Well it certainly wasn’t the warmest Victoria Day long weekend on record.  Although the parking lot was full the Muskoka chairs at Clevelands House were empty when I scooted by. (Please click pic for biggie size)

Click on the image for a adriondack chair sized photo

In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

14 May

Searching for a Hearth of Gold

I want to live …
I want to give …
I have been a miner for a heart hearth of gold

While driving down old highway #69 in Muskoka this time of year you can catch a glimpse of something through the trees. For years now I have been meaning to stop and wander through the bush to see what it is.

This fireplace is in remarkable shape considering there is no sign of any buildings being around. I assume there must have been a cabin here at one time but I’m not sure how they would have fastened the foundation as this is situated on a giant rock. Sometimes you never know what lurks only a few feet away.

Thanks Doctor C. for the tip

(Click on the image for a large size)

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario

11 May
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First run of the season

I picked up my boat from my good friends at Gordon Bay Marine last weekend and immediately cruised down Lake Joseph to Port Sandfield and back up to Lake Rosseau. It was a little on the chilly side and I seemed to be the only nut out on the white capping lake. It sure cleared the winter cobwebs out and reminded me how much I missed the open water. The water temperature was showing a glacial 53F or about 12C.
I can hardly wait not to jump in!

Click on the image for a Lake Joe sized photo

In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

04 May

Let the Cottage Season Begin

There are signs of life in Muskoka as we approach the May 24 (Victoria Day) weekend which is actually on May 18th this year. Many birds, frogs and night crawling creatures as well as a few of the Homo Sapien varietal are scurrying about.  I have not seen any signs of the dreaded black flies as of yet but have heard they are out there.

I was a little slow on the draw trying to snap a shot of the two ducks that took off in this photo however they left some nice rings in the water. Please click for a larger size

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In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, uncategorized

28 Apr

Lunch at Red Leaves in Muskoka

This is the newly opened Red Leaves Resort in the village of Minett, Ontario. This section is called The Rosseau and it is where Canada’s first J.W. Marriott hotel resides. It is a huge $750M undertaking transforming over 1 mile of Lake Rosseau shoreline on about 1400 acres. It has not been totally embraced by the locals in the area due to its mammoth size, environmental footprint and more.

While having lunch in the resort restaurant called “Cottages” I noticed our Minister of Industry, Tony Clement chowing down with his family right beside me. He had mac n cheese with a Pepsi and I had the seared ahai tuna and a long cool Muskoka lager .. or two. Tony baby has been spreading some tax dollars around the area as next year Muskoka will be hosting the G8 Summit

This photo is a panoramic shot of two photos stitched together. Behind me was a spectacular view of Lake Rosseau which I shall post another time.

click the image for a large 1280 pixel photo

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

22 Apr

The Ice is Out and a New Season Begins in Muskoka Canada

Well the ice has finally disappeared off the lakes in Muskoka. It won’t be long until we see the usual watercraft buzzing about. I found these two beauties shown below down a side road in front of an old cottage. It appears the sledding season has long been over for them. I did not know John Deere and Massey Ferguson even built snowmobiles. Please click on the photo to see 1280 pixel sized image.

Click to supersize me

In: in and around muskoka ontario

16 Apr

Waiting for the Big Thaw in Muskoka Canada

I usually like to have my boat in early however it appears like this guy will beat everyone to it this year. They must have hightailed it out of Muskoka back in the fall.

Taken near Bala, Ontario on Lake Muskoka near The Kee

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In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

design & theme by Nikola Lazarevic