17 Sep

Muskoka Kangaroo Crossing

A couple of weeks ago we had some friends from the city over for the weekend. After they settled in we became immersed in conversation while enjoying a few cocktails on the dock.  Then came the question, “what’s with the kangaroos?” Kangaroos – I said with a chuckle, what do you mean?  They explained that they noticed a kangaroo sign just down the road. No, no that’s a deer sign, they are all over the place I told them. Nope! – we saw a kangaroo sign! The next day as we are traveling together sure enough they point out this kangaroo sign on the side of the road. When we  arrived back at the cottage the following week it had disappeared.


In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

3 Responses
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  1. Jenn Jilks says:

    I guess someone either stole it, or municipal crews took it away, Ed! Such a shame. We have such signage clutter in cottage country. This is a great lark.

    Have you seen the Deer sign on the way to Beaver Creek Institution? I love it!

  2. Ed Boutilier says:

    It was good fun to see that sign. My guests really thought there was some kind of Kangaroo type animal around. LOL –

    That’s a great collection of signs you have on your Blog Jenn. I like your Muskoka plate collection the best though.

  3. James R says:

    Too bad it is gone, it would really add interest to a lang drive, But there should really be jellyfish crossing signs on the lakes, not kidding either, if you have heard of them, there in lake Rosseau, Muskoka and Joseph for about a century now.

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