23 Jan

Frizzen Arctic Style

OK, well now we’re in it. Winter that is. Remember those warm thermals we just experienced 2 weeks ago? It was only a hallucination. The coldest measured temperature in the world, as of 6 a.m. today, was –43.1 C in Canada’s North West Territories. Muskoka is not far off at -37C this morning and that’s without the windchill factor. Brrr – Summer can’t come soon enough!




In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

2 Responses
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  1. Ray says:

    Wow, that is such a beautiful site. Cold, but beautiful. I guess I shouldn’t complain when it gets down to 45F (7C) in my town during the coldest nights in the winter!

  2. James R says:

    in the Kawartha lakes we got to -27 but i was listening on the radio and like you said a few km north of me it was -37 holy that is really cold, in the summer we get plus 37 and in the winter we get-37, big temperature range we have here.

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