Muskoka Spring Melt by Drone
Welcome to the spring melt in Muskoka. I took this 60 sec drone video on April 3, 2021. You can see that the Joe River, Lake Joseph and Lake Rosseau were all starting to open up. Boating season is around the corner. Yippee!
It wont be long Ed
I’m sure the ice is water by now
Thanks John – I think we are there now. I’m told ice is out on the Big 3
Thanks Ed. Very helpful information. As a result of your blog posting I went up on Friday (April 11th) to turn off our bubbler. Not a sign of ice on Lake Muskoka! Usually it’s the third week of April.
Also, I’ve never seen the lake level so low.
Hi Brent – thats great to know. Thanks for following along. I’m anticipating a season of awesomeness 🙂
Your drone reminds me of how much we enjoy skeet shooting!