Rest Harbour Barn
This is the inside of an old barn that was on a property dating back to about 140 years. It was once owned by the Judd family who were well known in the Minett area of Muskoka. The barn and an old boathouse were for sale back when I photographed them in 2010. I was a little careful not to go prowling inside the barn as it didn’t look very safe. A year or so after my visit I heard the barn had collapsed to the ground. I noticed this little detail of a cross or shamrock at the peak of the roof. It is my last memory of the barn and I had hoped that whomever the new owners would be that they would save this as a momento. I was recently invited back to this property where the owners have built a architecturally beautiful cottage and boathouse. Unfortunately they were not aware of the carved detail and it was lost in the ruble. I was able to provide them with my photos of the boathouse and beautiful acreage they now enjoy.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized
The Old Farm in Rest Harbour Muskoka
This is all that remains of a farm in Rest Harbour on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka with the exception of the old boathouse across the road. The land, “owned free and clear to the waters edge” was originally deeded to the Wrenshall family dating back to 1884. It was amongst the first 20 free grants issued for Medora township. The Judd family purchased the property from the Wrenshall family around 1886.
Up until the 1940’s this property was only accessible by water. The steam ships would come into the docks and bring supplies. Of course in the winter everything was carted across the ice. The farm and a resort called Rest Harbour operated until the late 1960’s. Many of these historic places are disappearing from Muskoka.
I want to thank the numerous and knowledgeable people out in Blog land that have left comments, forwarded information, land surveys and photos to me. Thank you Deborah!
The Old Boathouse in Harbour Bay, Lake Rosseau
This property came on the market recently and I was curious about it so I did a drive by. The old boathouse is approximately 100 years old and is located in Rest Harbour on 275 feet of Lake Rosseau shoreline. There is a newer single story boathouse beside it and directly across the road is what appears to be an old farm (46 acres in all) with the barn still barely standing. There is a newer house and some older out buildings as well. I’m not sure of the history of this place however I bet it will be bulldozed at some point for something new. It looks to be too far gone although you never know. All this can be yours for a mere $985,000
Click for Chestnut Park Listing
Please click on the photo for a large sized image of the old boathouse