Show Ski Canada – Off the Docks at Clevelands
I was enjoying lunch and a brew at Pie Wood Fired Pizza on the upper deck at Cleveland’s House recently and noticed Show Ski Canada practicing. The SWS Muskoka people with the marina next door are very involved with some of their people on the team and their Mastercraft boat powering up the talented skiers. It’s SWS that runs the amazing water ski shows around Muskoka. If you haven’t seen a show I highly recommend you check one out. Schedule here. This year the Deerhurst in Huntsville Ontario is hosting the World Water Ski Show Tournament September 7-9, 2018.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
Kicking off the May 2-4 Weekend at Clevelands House
It’s the kickoff of the quintessential Canadian May 2-4 weekend. This is an early morning shot taken at Clevelands House in Muskoka. Apparently there has been renovations and new food operators for the boathouse this year. Always a great place to check out.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
The Sun Sets Over Clevelands House in Muskoka
The sun sets over Clevelands House to end another summer/fall season in Muskoka. I took this photo from a new trail that opened up along the shoreline from the Wallace Marina over to the New Red Leaves Resort. Of course Red Leaves now owns Clevelands and the entire shoreline around to the resort. It has to be close to 2 miles of shoreline on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka – do the math.
Click for bigger size
In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, uncategorized
The Chessboard at Clevelands House in Muskoka
While driving back from the Rosseau farmers market the other morning I decided to take a little side trip into Clevelands House which is one of the last remaining 100 year old resorts still standing in Muskoka. I noticed this really cool giant chess set in the back area for guests to play. Most of the people were down at the water but I would imagine there have been a few interesting matches here in the evenings.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
COVID-19 Casualty
It is exciting to be back in cottage country and out on the water. I drove by Clevelands House recently to see if anything was going on. Cleves has been my litmus test to get an idea on how busy things are in Muskoka. I have to say it was a bit of a disappointment when I approached the 150 year old resort. The docks looked dirty with debris, the iconic Muskoka chairs were not lined up and it looked completely abandoned. A bit surreal to actually see this. Shortly after my visit I received the following notice.
It is with a heavy heart that we will not be opening Clevelands House Resort accommodations this season. However, we are excited to plan for the future, and look forward to unveiling the long-term vision soon. Please be advised that the Rock Golf Course and SWS Boatworks Marine at Clevelands House are now open for the season. The opening dates Pie Wood Fired Pizza, Abbey’s Bake House and the Marine Yoga Studio will be announced shortly. Stay safe & healthy.
In my opinion Clevelands House has not been the same since the Cornell family sold it. It became part of the late Ken Fowlers big vision to establish a village in Minett that included the Red Leaves Resort, (JW Marriott Hotel) Wallace Marine (now SWS), Clevelands House, Lakeside Lodge and the Rock Golf Course. Unfortunately the vision wasn’t successful with many of the properties falling into receivership. In recent times successful Canadian businessman Mitchell Goldhar has purchased the 1200 acre properties with much optimism. Many cottagers are looking forward to seeing how things go in the future. You know its definitely strange times when Cleves won’t be open for the summer of 2020
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
Summer Water Sports or SWS puts on some great ski shows around the Muskoka area. If you have not caught one I highly recommend it. I was over at Clevelands House on Canada Day when I took a few snaps of these Flyboarders. Team SWS has some of the best water skiers and flyboarders in the world. They can even teach you these skills.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, uncategorized
The Iconic Muskoka Chairs
This is a well recognized scene when you visit Clevelands House on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka. Americans know them as the Adirondack chair however we refer to them as the Muskoka chair. You will see them on almost every dock or lawn throughout the Muskoka and cottage country region.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
Ouno Island Boathouse
I have been informed that there are four unique boathouses that are designed to store sailboats on the Big 3 Muskoka lakes. I often pass by this cool boathouse on Ouno Island near Clevelands House and Red Leaves Resort on Lake Rosseau. I never get tired of looking at Muskoka boathouses.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, uncategorized
Lake Rosseau Sunrise
A Lake Rosseau sunrise from Clevelands House. Thanks for checking in, I should be back to regularly posting photos now.
I don’t have any cat rescuing children videos or cutsie dog pics however I do have this little fellow who whacked his noggin on the cottage window. I have been told that its a adult male Black-Throated Green Warbler. The poor guy didn’t make it.
Speaking of dead…. I spent the long weekend at the cottage and noticed that many places were still closed. As I drove into Port Carling Friday afternoon I noticed shops with the winter boards still on their windows. On Saturday I thought it would be a good idea to book dinner at the new Medora restaurant (formerly Rebecca’s) – nope – closed. Later in the day I drove by Clevelands House – A huge resort, closed. (Apparently they had roof damage from the heavy snow loads this winter) The local bakery – Closed.
Ok so I went by a local marina thinking surely it would be bustling with people gassing up and getting their boats. Nope – not a soul around, deadsville! We are talking about the Victoria Day long weekend, the May-two-four, the weekend that kicks off the summer season in Canada. I suppose it is the late spring, cold weather and high water levels that killed everything? I try not to be influenced by these sort of things and keep rolling along but it is an interesting observation. Umm welcome back – kinda.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
145 Years and counting
You know you can’t kick off the Muskoka cottage season without the obligatory Clevelands House photo. Can you believe they are entering their 145th year in business? As a country Canada is only 2 years older. With the long brutally cold winter we just went through there is much anticipation in cherishing every summer moment before us.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
The Chapel of Baked Goods
During the Muskoka summers I often visit Abbey’s Bake House to worship the most awesome bacon maple infused butter-tarts known to mankind. Abbey’s is a 19th century church brought in from Digby, Nova Scotia and repurposed as a seasonal bake house. I was walking across the ice on Lake Rosseau near Clevelands House recently when I dropped by for a pic.
THis is a 19th century repurpised church converted into a bakery
Its all right now …in fact its a Gas
Driving around in Muskoka you can sure get a sense of how much snow has fallen this winter. Certainly more than I have seen in a few years. Lets hope that when the big melt down arrives this spring that the Ministry has it under control, unlike last year. Looking out from the Summer Water Sports dock, Wallace Bay, on Lake Rosseau towards Clevelands House on a very snowy day.
Cleves Wakeup Call
Feeling a little motivated this past Saturday I dragged my derriere out of bed at 5:00 am and headed over to catch the sunrise at Clevelands House. The parking lot was relatively full and It seemed a little strange to be walking around the resort while everyone was in a deep slumber. I had no idea where the sun would rise so I staked my claim close to the lake with only a beaver drifting by for company. ‘Twas a glorious sunrise!
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
Riding Off Into the Setting Sun
I usually tour new cottage guests around Lake Rosseau for their first visit due to the proximity of all the unique landmarks. Lake Rosseau has Winderemere, Red Leaves, Clevelands House, the Church in Morinus, a Lighthouse and a bunch of other interesting and historical sites. I’m not discounting Lake Joseph or Lake Muskoka, by any means as both have their own unique sites to see.
It was a long day and we were on our way back to the cottage after touring the lake and stopping for a swim in a quiet bay. BBQ strip-loins and big bold Cabernets were on our minds as we zoomed back into the setting sun.
In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
Looking out over Lake Rosseau
Yup – Sorry folks the lakes are still frozen in Muskoka. With the warmer temps arriving this weekend the meltdown should accelerate. With any luck we should see open water before Easter. This is a shot looking out at Lake Rosseau with Clevelands House Resort below. There is a little trail that will bring you up to this cliff. I believe its called Resort Lookout which gives you a great panoramic view of Red Leaves, Cleves and Lake Rosseau.
Flat Stanley Visits Muskoka
Flat Stanley is one cool dude who traveled all the way from Viking, Alberta to check out Muskoka. The Flat Stanley Project was started by a London, Ontario school teacher Dale Hubert to facilitate letter writing for children. Flat Stanley is usually mailed out to friends or relatives who are asked to treat him like a visiting guest. Flat Stanley is eventually returned to his creator and his travels are then documented in a journal.
The Flat Stanley Project: flatstanleyproject.com
Flat Stan also dropped by Clevelands House
Off the Cleveland House Dock
In about another month this dock will be filled with people lying in the sun, swimming, boats pulling up etc. This is at the world famous Clevelands House family resort located on about 3000 feet of prime Lake Rosseau frontage in Muskoka. Its a great place to explore, drop by for drinks, have dinner or people watch.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
The May Two-Four Weekend in Muskoka
The Victoria Day long weekend in Canada is usually the kickoff to our summer. This weekend is also known as the May Two-Four weekend (for those of you outside of Canada our beer is sold in 24 packs) but the holiday does not necessarily fall on the 24th of May.
This is the weekend that most people open their cottages, plant gardens or go camping. The highways are busy with people hauling their boats and heading to their favorite destination.
Well it certainly wasn’t the warmest Victoria Day long weekend on record. Although the parking lot was full the Muskoka chairs at Clevelands House were empty when I scooted by. (Please click pic for biggie size)
Click on the image for a adriondack chair sized photo
The Church on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka Canada
When you travel north past Cleveland’s House in Minett and towards Royal Muskoka Island you will find this very distinctive church on the waters edge. This is St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Morinus, Ontario. They celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2002. I have often caught glimpses of brides arriving in old Muskoka woodies for their big day. There are some images you cannot capture with a lens however they do remain etched in my brain.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns