The Lady of the Lakes
The summer in Muskoka would not be complete without a visit to Windermere House. I truly enjoy the food choices here from the Sushi Bar to the Oliver & Bonacini fine dining room and pub. Sitting up on the veranda soaking in the spectacular view with a fine beverage is the way to go.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
Passing By The Lady of the Lakes
The sky was overcast and it threatened rain all day however that did not stop the crowds from coming out to the lawn for the Windermere House concert on July 24, 2010. As I was passing by in my boat I could hear the distinct sounds of Canadian tenor Michael Burgess and the National Academy Orchestra emanating from the lawn. Just as I started to take some shots this work boat swooshed by from out of the shadows.
Please click on the image for a larger sized photo
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
The Lady of the Lakes, Windermere in Muskoka Canada
This past weekend was the grand re-opening (new owner) of the famous Windermere House. Originally built in 1870 “The Lady of the Lakes” sits on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka. It has just gone a major makeover with updated rooms, new dining areas including a sushi bar and a very cool pub which I of course tested out.
Back in 1996 during the filming of The Long Kiss Goodbye, Windermere burned to the ground when one of the production lights caught fire. It was rebuilt to its original glory back in 1997 and today remains a very popular place to visit in Muskoka. You can sometimes catch Canadian hockey players like Steve Yzerman, Eric Lindros, Shayne Corson and Darcy Tucker chillin with family and friends as all have cottages near by.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
Riding Off Into the Setting Sun
I usually tour new cottage guests around Lake Rosseau for their first visit due to the proximity of all the unique landmarks. Lake Rosseau has Winderemere, Red Leaves, Clevelands House, the Church in Morinus, a Lighthouse and a bunch of other interesting and historical sites. I’m not discounting Lake Joseph or Lake Muskoka, by any means as both have their own unique sites to see.
It was a long day and we were on our way back to the cottage after touring the lake and stopping for a swim in a quiet bay. BBQ strip-loins and big bold Cabernets were on our minds as we zoomed back into the setting sun.
In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water