Extreme volumes of water gushing through Muskokas Bala Falls
The ice has finally melted off the lakes however the water levels remain very high. Tremendous volumes of water are gushing in from Algonquin Park, Huntsville, Brandy Leonard Lakes, Lake Joseph, Rosseau and other rivers and creeks. This large amount of spring run off gets dumped into Lake Muskoka and is then controlled at the falls in Bala diverting it down the Moon River into Georgian Bay.
Below is a picture of the Bala Falls. There is so much water flowing out that it has encroached on some of the park shorelines. I noticed some young kids playing here and wish they weren’t as it would be quite dangerous with freezing water temperature and extreme rapids.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns, uncategorized
My name is Laura McCoy and I am doing a bit of research related to the Bala Dam you have a picture of here. I recently found out Swift River Energy is developing the proposed hydroelectric dam at this location. Some residents and part- time residents are protesting the dam on aesthetic grounds and I was wondering if you can verify for me that the photo you have here represents what the falls look like today.
Also, it looks to me like the falls here have a dam. Is it there today?
The project doesn’t include changing what the falls look like so I wanted to check it out as I can’t get up to Bala anytime soon.
Thanks for helping if you can.
Hi Laura
This picture is indeed the Bala Falls however it was taken in the early spring when the water levels were very high this past year.