Muskoka Steamships Frozen in Time
Most of us that spend time in Muskoka have been out for a tour on these steamships or have at least seen these babies around the lakes. The Gravenhurst wharf is their full time home. I was surprised to see that they were frozen right into the ice. I would have thought they would be protected with ice-out bubblers around them.
For a good laugh check out The Rick Mercer Report where he visits the Muskoka Steamships
For a Steam Ship sized image click on this photo 1280 res
Up Against the Wall in Port Carling
Port Carling, Ontario – located in the hub of Muskoka features one of Canada’s great roadside attractions. The worlds largest historic photo mosaic spanning 111 x 45 feet.
“The Wall” as locals refer to it is made up of 9028 individual photos of Muskoka’s first 100 years – 1860 to 1960. Each photo was digitally manipulated to show the superimposed S.S. Sagamo steamship circa 1922 which regularly passed through these locks. When you get up close you can see the original log cabins, the bearded homesteaders and the nautical machines of Muskoka’s great historical past.
click the image for a Steamboat Size photo
The Muskoka Sleds chill’n at Bass Lake House
Driving down Hwy #169 towards Port Carling you can’t help but notice the many snowmobiles around. The trails are busy. These guys were settled in at the Bass Lake House which is a great place to hang for some wings and pints. Glad to see people are doing their part to keep the economy going.
Click on the image for SkiDoo Sized Photo
Strip Searched to the Bones
I am not sure if there were any recent boxing day sales on barn board. I noticed this place on Highway #27 just south of Nobleton, Ontario has been slowly picked apart like a turkey dinner exposing only its bones. Remember these images are scaled down to 72DPI and are only about 60k in size so they do not reflect the true quality of the photo. Clicking on the image will bring it up to 1280 resolution but still I wish you could see what I see in extreme high resolutions.
Click the Image for Farmer John Size
In: uncategorized
ffffrozen creature in Muskoka
Looks like we were fortunate to dodge all the hoop-la in Muskoka over the holidays. I understand there was a combination of heavy snow, freezing rain, flooding, extreme high winds followed by hydro outages for thousands. By the time I got back up to check on things it felt like frozen arctic tundra at a mere minus 22c. Here is a shot of a creature discovered on the Gravenhurst waterfront.
click on image for biggie size
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
Welcome to 2009!
I wish everyone a happy, healthy and successful 2009!
I’m back from a glorious vacation in Grand Cayman Island. It was a welcomed change from the nasty weather we have been experiencing here in Canada these past few weeks.
I want to thank the many thousands of people who discovered my blog this past year. Your comments are very much inspiring and appreciated. I was fortunate to have some of my photos featured in magazines and newspapers. Most of the photos are taken in and around Muskoka, Ontario where I spend a great deal of time as a “cottager”
Some of you mention that the photos look weird, surreal, dreamy and even fake. Many of the photos I post are HDR or High Dynamic Range. This is a technique where multiple images are combined and then Tone Mapped to create amazing details and tonal ranges. Your brain interprets imagery far differently then what you see in a typical photograph. Have you ever tried to capture a special moment while on vacation, a wedding or a special event and then later when showing someone the photo remarked, “… well you had to be there”? – HDR is an attempt to trick your brain into capturing memories and emotions in a deeper way, as you may have remembered it.
Happy New Year from the beaches in Grand Cayman
Click for biggie, 1280 pixels