27 Feb

Port Sandfield in Muskoka Sleeps

Port Sandfield is the dividing point for Lake Rosseau and Lake Joseph in Muskoka. Once you cross the swing bridge coming from Port Carling you will see the Silver Stream Farms Market on the right side. This general store is very popular with cottagers and locals alike. I can’t wait for those delicious cinnamon buns from their bakery.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

19 Feb

Blue Muskoka

After a few days of mild temperatures and a February thaw we are back to more snow. Well it sure seems like its been a long winter. It won’t be long now until we shed the winter bleakness.

Can you see the ghost in the window?

click on image for larger 1280 size

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

12 Feb

The Ghost Town of Swords, Ontario (Muskoka)

This is the general store and former post office in the ghost town of Swords, Ontario located in the district of Muskoka. It is abandoned uninhabited now and has been for quite a while.  In 1894 a lumber company was established here and the town was called Maple Station with trains passing through up to 20 times per day. Later the towns name was changed to avoid confusion with another Maple Station. The Sword family operated the general store until 1930. The lumber ran out, the train station closed in 1946 and the post office shut down in 1966 with most residents moving away.

NOTE: Although many of these types of properties are abandoned or unoccupied please remember they are still private property. Please respect the rights of these owners and do not go crawling through them without obtaining prior permission.  (Swords photos taken from the roadside)

Ontario Abandoned Places

For a General Store Sized Photo Click on the Image – 1280

Click Image for Biggie Size

Click Image for Super Sized 1280 version

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

06 Feb

Put up your Dukes in Muskoka Canada

Things looked a little quiet and bleak when I passed by Dukes in Port Carling recently. Dukes is a historic place in Muskoka with a long history of classic boat building. I had a chance to tour the facility last year and witnessed the restoration of some old Ditchburns and Minett-Shields classic woodies. They  occasionally  have an open house for the public and if you get the chance I highly recommend you take the opportunity to step back in time.

Click on the image for a large launch sized photo

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

02 Feb
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The Rick Mercer Report visits Muskoka Canada

For a good laugh here is the Rick Mercer Report filmed in Muskoka last year.

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario

design & theme by Nikola Lazarevic