04 Jun

Last One in is a Dirty Rotten ….

I remember as kids someone would dare you or super duper double dared you to jump in the water first. As kids my buddy Jr. and I stripped down and jumped in a river once because someone quadruple dared us. The snow was still on the ground and we were totally focused on dealing with how cold it was going to be. We jumped in and the rushing river whisked us away. We ended up quite far down stream and fought very hard to get back into the shore. I don’t recall the cold being that important at the time. The things we did that our parents never found out about.

The expression on these kids faces brought back some memories.

Please click on the image for a large sized photo

In: in and around muskoka ontario

3 Responses
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  1. Jenn Jilks says:

    I did a video, Ed, of my son swimming at Easter! The ice was still on most of the lake. Nobody dared him, but once he’d committed to it his sister, girlfriend and I cheered him on!

  2. Heather says:

    Priceless…this shot brings back crazy childhood memories for me as well…my own and my brothers and those of my children doing the same kind of thing…I’ve lived on Lake Nippissing for the most of my life so there are many wonderful chilly memories!!! :0)


  3. Lucia and Damiano says:

    Oh, We would have done the same thing!!!! šŸ™‚

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