20 Dec


I want to personally thank you for visiting the Muskoka Blog. I have enjoyed our many interactions and the new friendships that developed while sharing our mutual passion for Muskoka over the 2011 period.

Season’s Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Yuletide Greetings, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Festivus, Happy Mall Parking and whatever else aligns with your world.

Refueling is in play and I’m southbound in search of sandy beaches, jumbled liquid concoctions and luminous sunsets. Wishing you all peace, love, health, happiness and great success in 2012 – Ed

In: in and around muskoka ontario

09 Dec
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Everythings Grey

Yep, I know I have been very remiss in posting.  It’s that time of year when everything’s grey and not very exciting photographically. In addition, I really have not been up to Muskoka as much as I would have liked to. The big push is on with deadlines, parties, year end commitments and such. Can you feel it?

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

23 Nov

November Dreariness

Its very quiet around the Muskoka area as everyone hunkers down for old man winter. Driving around you can see and smell the billowing smoke as it swirls out of homes and cottages with wood stoves and fireplaces. There has been a few snow squalls in the past week or so. Just consider them practice runs for whats coming.

Upon our arrival this weekend we were met with snow, grey skies and bleakness. What else to do but sit by the fire and sample the liquid assets.

In: in and around muskoka ontario

13 Nov

Muskoka Lakes 100 Mile Cruise

I was contacted by the folks crew at Woody Boater recently, a very cool website that is dedicated to classic boating and watercraft. I was honored that they asked if they could use some of my Muskoka Blog photos for a story they were working on.

On Saturday August 18th, 2012 departing from Gravenhurst the 100 Mile Cruise will be recreated on the RMS Segwun tracing the original route of the SS Sagamo steamship. There will be over 100 other wooden boats accompanying the 1887 built Segwun on her journey. The proceeds of this event are being donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.

For additional details Click Here for the Woody Boater article.

Vintage 1950 brochure of the 100 Mile Cruise


In: historic muskoka, on the water

09 Nov

Vivienne II

Most of the boats are now put away for the season. Sometimes when you prolong the inevitable you get lucky and catch a nice day with the opportunity to squeeze in one last boat ride. I caught the Vivienne II out for what was probably her last cruise of the season. I was on the leeward side of Tobin Island on Lake Rosseau and noticed the 31ft Minett-Shields built in the 1920’s gracefully gliding towards us like a dream.

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

03 Nov
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Steamship Makeovers

If you happen to pass through Port Carling you will notice the RMS Segwun Steamship is in for a pedicure and manicure. The locks have been drained creating a drydock while they perform the work. The Wenonah II is right behind her and will be taking her turn next.

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

28 Oct
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Lions Lookout

The skies around Muskoka have been a little on the ominous side these past few weeks. We all know the inevitable is quickly approaching and a reminder to get the boats out and complete all that other jazz we cottagers do to prepare for the approaching winter. This is the view over Fairy Lake about 5 minutes from downtown Huntsville at the Lions Lookout. Click for biggie view.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

21 Oct

Before the Drop

I still have some photos I took before the leaves began to drop. I am not sure what to do with them other than post them. Riverdale Island in Muskoka after sunrise. Please click for a larger sized photo.

In: in and around muskoka ontario

15 Oct
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A Muskoka Transition – Cranberry Fest

The annual Muskoka Cranberry Festival in Bala is on this weekend and to me it’s a symbolic reminder that the season has transitioned. I don’t expect we will see the wondrous thermals that we enjoyed this past Thanksgiving weekend and a welcomed bonus if we do. After the Cranberry Fest has passed the Muskoka area gets very quiet and for many locals its a time when Muskoka is handed back to them, a temporary reprieve.

The photo was taken during a recent visit to the Artful Garden. Please click for a large image

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

12 Oct

Hiking Huckleberry Rock

The weather was absolutely phenomenal this past Thanksgiving weekend so I decided to take advantage of it and hike up Huckleberry Rock.  I was inspired to go back up the rock after I picked up a new book called The Hidden World of Huckleberry Rock, a collaboration between photographer Bev McMullen and writer Andrew Wagner-Chazalon. I had the pleasure of meeting both Bev and Andrew at their book launch last month. I highly recommend their book for the stunning pics and great stories on one of Muskoka’s best places to visit. If you have not made it up to Huckleberry Rock please put it on your Muskoka bucket list.

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario

09 Oct

Dwight Dock Diversion

On my recent trip to the Algonquin region I followed highway #60 to Dwight, Ontario. Passing through I noticed Dwight is the home of the famous Langford Canoe company.  Dwight is located on the Lake of Bays and has a nicely groomed public beach right where I found this cool dock and lookout.

Happy Thanksgiving! – Yes us Canadians celebrate our turkey early and if you are in Muskoka you are enjoying speculator weather for this time of year.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

06 Oct
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Roadside Palette

A typical scene from the roadside just north of Huntsville, Ontario. There were major hydro wires strung across this view so I had to jump down into the ditch to get the shot. Still lots of Fall Colors around for the Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend with warm weather in the forecast as well!

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

04 Oct

A Trip Up the Dorset Fire Tower

I traveled up to the north end of Muskoka passing through Huntsville and into Algonquin territory. The autumn colours were definitely more vibrant as I continued to travel north.   I have always wanted to climb the Dorset Fire Tower and it seemed like a good day to do it with hardly anyone around on a Friday. The man at the gate said he was expecting numerous bus loads of people arriving to take in the fall colours the very next day.

As I climbed my way to the top the winds were really howling and I noticed the structure would sway a little which accounts for a bit of fuzziness in the photo.  The observation deck is caged in and about 100 feet up however the elevation over Lake of Bays is close to 500 feet up and offers spectacular panoramic views.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

02 Oct

A Little Tour Around the Bay

On the way back from Muskoka I decided to take the long way home and explore around Georgian Bay.  I drove through Victoria Harbour and Port McNicoll and I was immediately surprised at how quiet and depressed these towns seemed. At one time these port towns were alive and well mostly based on the shipping industry I would assume. Port McNichol did have a large development of high end cottage properties in progress however I heard its been slow to get off the ground.

My stomach was making funny noises so I headed towards Midland where I knew I could get something to eat. Midland is a much larger town with what appears to be a sound economy by the look of the many shops and groups of tourist at the waterfront waiting for boat rides. Wawa, Ontario has its Canada Goose, however Midland is proud to display their Trumpeter Swan. (with a bonus Seagull on its head)

After lunch I continued following the road into Penetanguishene or Penetang for short, a historical and bilingual town of about 8000 people. After this I got a little bit confused and ended up in Balm Beach. I had been to this little beach community many years ago in my youth and it looked exactly as I remembered it. As you drive the roads around Georgian Bay you see all kinds of interesting cottages along the white sandy shore-lines. Some are old rustic places and others are beautiful new four season homes. What struck me the most was how close they were to each other. Most places appear to be on fifty foot lots and some with multiple buildings jammed in. Everyone wants to get in on the beautiful beach action.

The final destination was the largest fresh water beach in the world, Wasaga Beach. The beach looked beautifully groomed with lots of white sand and rolling waves crashing onto the shore. The season is over and there were only a few people walking around. The town itself has grown much larger in size with many retirees settling in here. I highly recommend you take a tour to some of these places just to change it up.

Note – I have just returned from the Algonquin region and will post some of the Autumn colors very soon. As I left Muskoka this morning I don’t think the fall colours have quite peaked yet so there’s still time to get out and see them.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

28 Sep
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Foliage Alert!

OK – its time to get out and experience the vibrant spectrum of fall colours in and around Muskoka. I found this cool graphic on the Algonquin Park website. The site mentions  that peak  colour will be in late September to early October. Of course this can fluctuate a bit depending on weather conditions.  Algonquin Park is a little bit north of the Muskoka district however it is a good benchmark. The Friends of Algonquin Park have a Facebook Page displaying numerous uploaded photos.

Its also a good time to hike or walk the many trails around Muskoka. Get out while you can before hibernation mode kicks in.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

25 Sep


A humble little abode tucked into a quiet bay on a Muskoka Island. Its perfect for a  Hollywood actor, his actress wife and family who have a long history of enjoying the summers here.  Not all Celebs in Muskoka are staying in McMansions. Many are very low key and down to earth people enjoying the lifestyle and the natural beauty of the area just like the rest of us.

On another note, the  fall colours are starting to kick in. I would estimate that we are at about 30 to 40% of peak.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, secret muskoka

21 Sep

The Islands of Muskoka

Most islands on the Big 3 lakes in Muskoka have unique names such as Sunbeam, Monyca or Lookout  and have long and interesting histories associated with them. And then there are these numerous  small  insignificant islands that are basically rocks jutting out of the lake. We like to make up our own names for them – LOL. Some are completely barren with few trees or they can be occupied by flocks of weird birds. You need to be careful navigating around these chunks of granite as they are usually located in shallow waters. Captain – red marker port side!

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

18 Sep
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Sun Flower Power

The fall weather has kicked in and its officially become “the off-season” in Muskoka. There are still many beautiful sunny days left so get out and enjoy them while you can. I love these ten foot high sunflowers that reach out and touch the sky. Please click for a biggie.


In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

15 Sep

About The About

Over the years many people have made comments or have asked “how do you make your photos look like that?” Well its not magic and my Photoshop skills are basically non-existent.  I decided I should update the ‘About Page” and explain a little bit about whats going on.

The About Page



In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

10 Sep

Travelling Down the Joseph River

Another scene from a Jestski –  I left Lake Joseph and found my way into the Joseph River headed towards Lake Rosseau with the sun sinking on my back. I did a little spin-o-rama to try and catch the sunset at the top end of the river.  There is an interesting boathouse here and I think maybe I will return on another day to capture it in more detail.

I have always wondered if the Joe River is a real river? It seems to be a rock cut that connects Lake Joseph to Lake Rosseau. I have  heard Lady Eaton had the rocks blasted out many moons ago so she could have her steamship navigate through the rocks instead of traveling down to Port Sandfield. If you know the story please set me straight.

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

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