November Dreariness
Its very quiet around the Muskoka area as everyone hunkers down for old man winter. Driving around you can see and smell the billowing smoke as it swirls out of homes and cottages with wood stoves and fireplaces. There has been a few snow squalls in the past week or so. Just consider them practice runs for whats coming.
Upon our arrival this weekend we were met with snow, grey skies and bleakness. What else to do but sit by the fire and sample the liquid assets.
It took me 2 hours to get the snow off of the driveway, walk and decks, Ed. 12 cm all told. Great fun, as I didn’t have to go out at all!
Kittens (9 mos. old) were non-pussed, but the cat is a real trooper having liked walkies on the ice in days of yore!
Ed, great description of the season and its feel! I particularly like your positive repositioning of focus to ‘liquid assets’ this time of year! That could be an great future expose, ‘the wine cellars of muskoka’! Toasting you from st. Barth’s! Salut!!