27 Jan

I’m Thinking …

Do you visit Muskoka in the winter or are you a summer only visitor? I must admit most of my time is spent at the cottage in the spring, summer and fall. I don’t get the opportunity to visit as often in the winter but when I do I find it has a deep tranquility like no other. I would say its therapeutic. With the multitude of inputs and stresses in our daily lives we need to take the time to just stop and think. Muskoka is my refuge, a place where I can think.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

08 Jan

Back to Muskoka

Happy 2K+12!  I have just returned from exploring the fabulous beaches in Grand Cayman. I love to escape the stresses of last minute shopping, crazy traffic, mall parking, pushy people, etc – you should try it.  Now back to the beauty and reality of our Canadian winter.

We seem to be having one of those winters that hasn’t quite found a steady trajectory just yet. It’s been warm, it’s been cold, we’ve had snow, and gaps with no snow. One thing for sure the big lakes are not completely frozen yet, so be careful. I noticed a cool photo from our friends up at Gordon Bay Marine out boating on Lake Joe, Christmas day. Now that’s extending the season.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

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