The Spring Melt
I visited Muskoka yesterday for the first time since the fall season which explains my Blog inactivity. I spent the winter months in the warm climes of the Hawaiian Islands. It was blissful!
I was in Bala yesterday checking out the falls (and the construction) and there is significant water flowing out of Lake Muskoka into the Moon River to Georgian Bay. The ice should be off the lakes by the end of this week. Water levels are down to summer levels on the lakes at present and will rise over the next 10 days. Hopefully no flooding this year.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
There is flooding on Lake Muskoka and has become an annual mismanagement of the Ministry of Natural Resources.
I was at our cottage on Good Friday and the water is over our dock.
Why don’t you provide your readers a valuable remote monitoring tool. Click this link for real time Lake Muskoka water levels.
I was up on April 1, 2017 and since then the water has risen 0.7m, over 2 feet. Why, because the new management does not lower the lake level enough over the winter. In the past we never had these problems which has become more common over the past 5 years or so.
Absolutely right Blair – the incompetent lefties in the MNRF. Also, there is a so called “green” initiative in our leftist government to max hydro power generation across the Algonquin water shed, so levels deliberately kept high to maximize this initiative. They don’t care as the “rich” people in Muskoka don’t vote liberal anyway. Check the comments on the “Save the ball falls” website, its all there.
Pete Watts