November Snow
Arrived in Muskoka and discovered close to about one foot of snow had fallen. Even the small lakes and bays are starting to freeze over. Please click on the photo for a larger image.
Lake Rosseau Island
This will be the last shot I will post this year taken from the boat. Everything is put away now for the winter. There are a few boats zooming about however they are mostly work boats. Not many taking leisurely tours around the Muskoka lakes these days. I forgot to look at the charts to get the name for this Island. It is just off Tobin Island and not too far from Bohemia.
Lake Muskoka Dreariness
Lake Muskoka on a dark and dreary November day. Please click on the photo for a larger image
Flocking Off?
I am not sure what the Canadian Geese are doing hanging around the Bala Bay Park, everything else has vacated. I think I would have flocked off by now.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
A Bus in the Bush is Worth …
I am not sure what this bus was doing down an old pathway in the bush. Its getting a little chilly now and we have seen a few flurries around the area. It won’t be long until old man winter gives us a good blast.