03 Nov

A Bus in the Bush is Worth …

I am not sure what this bus was doing down an old pathway in the bush. Its getting a little chilly now and we have seen a few flurries around the area. It won’t be long until old man winter gives us a good blast.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

3 Responses
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  1. Jenn Jilks says:

    A secret rendezvous! šŸ™‚

  2. Cheryl says:

    I was thinking that too Jenn! On the other hand, my Dad has an old school bus parked back in a bush that he lets snowmobilers use. He has outfitted it with a wood burning stove and some comfy furniture where the bus seats used to be.
    We have snow headed our way too, tonight and tomorrow. I know it happens every year but I’m still not ready.

  3. Justin says:

    Into the wild. Where is this little gem?

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