Dwight Dock Diversion
On my recent trip to the Algonquin region I followed highway #60 to Dwight, Ontario. Passing through I noticed Dwight is the home of the famous Langford Canoe company. Dwight is located on the Lake of Bays and has a nicely groomed public beach right where I found this cool dock and lookout.
Happy Thanksgiving! – Yes us Canadians celebrate our turkey early and if you are in Muskoka you are enjoying speculator weather for this time of year.
Over the last 40 years, Dwight has always only been one of those pass-through towns for us, on our way to Algonquin. After seeing this wonderful image, I’ve made a note to self to stop and look around. I really like this with the splash of colour on dock house mirrored by the colour change on the far shore.
Hi there
Have many fond memories of this area and this dock was my first challenge.
I was a worker at Fairview Island and during the night I was given the job to pick up people at this dock no matter what the weather was like. A large old boat with a short beam rocked and rolled no matter what size waves were encountered.
I am now 67 and continue to remember the great experiences at Campus In The Woods.
I hold this area dear to my heart.
I now live in British Columbia but have gone back and stood on the old Dwight Dock and did a trip around the lake in a boat.