18 Feb

Willmotts General Store

This is Willmotts General Store located in the Beaumaris area of Muskoka.  Beaumaris is located on Tondern Island which you simply drive over a bridge to get to.

From Wikipedia:  In 1873 McCarthy sold the island to Edward Prowse and John Harry Willmott for $1,560. The two divided the island in half with Willmott taking the northern and Prowse the southern half. The new owners named the settlement Beaumaris after the resort in Anglesey, Wales where they had vacationed. Prowse settled in the big white house while Willmott built a log house next to the site of the present day Willmott store. They cleared part of the land for pasture, built a dock for the newly arrived steamships and connected the island to the mainland by a small log bridge.

Willmotts Store

In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

7 Responses
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  1. Nice info, is this a museum today?

  2. kevin says:

    It’s a store today

  3. Ray says:

    Nice history and great photo!

  4. Karen Hyatt says:

    I am a Volunteer at the OSPCA in Bracebridge, and I have tried to contact you at 705-764-1609 until today when I tried to reach you at 705-764-0056.
    Would you please tell me if you still have our Donation Box and if you would like to continue having it in your store.
    Would you be kind enough to let me know how I might reach you, if you don’t mind.
    Thank you.
    Karen Hyatt at my email address above or 705-645-5658.

  5. Susanne says:

    Hi there,

    could anybody tell me, who runs the store today? Who is still there from the family Wilmott? I used to spend two summers at Squirell Island 25 years ago.
    I would love to know, if there is still anybody around from the “old families”!

    Lots of greetings from germany!


  6. Cathy Potts says:

    Willmotts Store continues as a store, opens June 18 2015 to Labour Day weekend. Come check us out during the season.

  7. John K. (Jack) Bubb says:

    This store was owned by my Uncle Jack and Aunt Emalie. The last I was there, I was eight years old. I am now 61 and living in Texas.

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