The Lady of the Lakes
The summer in Muskoka would not be complete without a visit to Windermere House. I truly enjoy the food choices here from the Sushi Bar to the Oliver & Bonacini fine dining room and pub. Sitting up on the veranda soaking in the spectacular view with a fine beverage is the way to go.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns
You know, I don’t think I ever made it to Windermere House… maybe once, back in the early 80s. I guess I will just have to visit it vicariously through your fine words and photos.
Hi Cathy, some day when you get back to our neck of the woods you will have to check it out
I’ve never made it ,either, Ed! In 50 years cottaging up there. I guess I never will.
Whenever I start to feel that I am missing “Paradise”, I scroll through your blog. It is comforting to know it really does exist and is THERE! Thanks for all the time you take to post your photos!
-’til next summer!