07 Aug

The Lady of the Lakes

The summer in Muskoka would not be complete without a visit to Windermere House. I truly enjoy the food choices here from the Sushi Bar to the Oliver & Bonacini fine dining room and pub. Sitting up on the veranda soaking in the spectacular view with a fine beverage is the way to go.


In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

4 Responses
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  1. You know, I don’t think I ever made it to Windermere House… maybe once, back in the early 80s. I guess I will just have to visit it vicariously through your fine words and photos.

  2. Ed Boutilier says:

    Hi Cathy, some day when you get back to our neck of the woods you will have to check it out

  3. Jenn Jilks says:

    I’ve never made it ,either, Ed! In 50 years cottaging up there. I guess I never will.

  4. Betsey Miller says:

    Whenever I start to feel that I am missing “Paradise”, I scroll through your blog. It is comforting to know it really does exist and is THERE! Thanks for all the time you take to post your photos!
    -’til next summer!

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