My Mom Would Have Been Proud
I’m lacking some new Muskoka photos so I decided to include a little unbridled self promotion for content. Thank you Georgian College for including me in your recent selection of 10 entrepreneurial alumni. It is a real honor!
I have also included another article below titled, Nature vs. Nurture from a few years back. For the new article in PDF version please click HERE.
Congratulations, Ed! Georgian is a great school. Also no shame in a little self-promotion on a site that many people take pride and enjoyment from. Muskoka Proud!
Well done, sir. Good to see Canadians making their mark in the world. Nice R8.
Congratulations, Ed. I echo Steve Bentley’s comments.
Ed is the classic tale of a determined person who had an idea. I’ve known Ed since the humble beginnings and I can say that it isn’t his monetary success or even accolades that impress me the most. The fact that Ed still values the same things he always did despite the distractions of life is a rare thing. Maybe it’s about where we came from. Maybe this is part of what being a Canadian is.
Nice work Ed. I have come to expect nothing less from you and am never ceased to be amazed by your journey.
You’ve inspired me to grab my life by the horns.
All the best mate!
Very nice, Patrick.