Muskoka Roadside Mailbox Attractions with Dueling Banjo Soundtrack
While driving the back roads of Muskoka I discovered this wonderfully weird mailbox. Those are actually large boulders mounted on top that would weigh a ton. The driveway also had two poles with similar boulders adorning each side. I was curious what I would discover down at the end of this driveway, maybe a great artist or some other eccentric character? The dueling banjo’s went off in my head and I decided it was just a little too creepy to continue.
In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns, uncategorized
I’ve heard some goody things about this blog. The content has really been useful a great balance of text and pictures.
Ok now this is a work of art…don’t you think :0)???
Seriously…dueling banjo’s isn’t a good thing!!
this is Mr Goltz’s place. He use to be on council and use to be a major Maple Syrup maker. I remember getting syrup in West Edmonton Mall and feeling home.