Ferndale Now & Then
I have posted about Ferndale in the past however I thought I would provide an update as I recently found some old photos that show the size and scale of the property in its previous life. Ferndale is a very large property that used to be a resort that could take in hundreds of people. Later it became the Canadian Keswick Conference Centre a Christian leadership camp. Today Ferndale is a very extravagant and private cottage owned by one of Canada’s most successful home developers.
The Canadian Keswick Conference Centre. I don’t have anyone to credit for the photo use as it was taken from a postcard posted on eBay. You can see from the view this is a sizable property and no doubt with sizable property taxes.
Another photo from a post card. It appears to be a very popular place in its day holding up to 650 guests.
In: historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water
Ed, how were they able to build so close to the water? It’s quite the boathouse!
Jenn, this property was previously a resort and from my understanding is still zoned that way so rules compared to residential or recreation differ. There were other boathouses on the property in the past so it makes it easier to get approval since there were existing structures. It is a significant piece of water frontage allowing for additional dock coverages. A new boathouse is under construction around the corner belonging to this property.
This reminds me of the boathouse the guy wanted to claim was an airplane hangar!
My family owned the cottages on Ferndale bay from when the first settlers arrived. I have all kinds of old photos. If you are interested in any info regarding that area please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to hear from you.