25 Nov

The Eleventh Month

If you haven’t heard, Muskoka and area has experienced some significant snow fall recently. I was hoping for one of those slow transitions where the snow would arrive in some leisurely way around Christmas. That doesn’t seem to happen much anymore. This year it arrived with a wallop. I hope you have all of your outside work completed.

In: in and around muskoka ontario

4 Responses
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  1. Elizabeth and Richard Birtwhistle says:

    Wondering whether there is much ice on Lake Muskoka yet? We’d love to visit our island cottage if there is very little ice so we can take a boat ride or if there is enough ice to walk (as there was last year!).

  2. Ed Boutilier says:

    Elizabeth, I was in Muskoka a few days ago and there was about an inch of ice on the big lakes mostly in the bays. I suspect it melted on the Sunday with Temps around 10C – You may make it by boat if you pick your days but my guess is things are starting to freeze over again this week. I think you would be well into January before its safe to walk on depending how far out your island is. Maybe you need one of those Airboats that can blast across anything 🙂

  3. Elizabeth and Richard Birtwhistle says:

    Thanks Ed —
    Guess we’ll wait a bit longer. Our island isn’t far from shore and winter is such a magical time in Muskoka.

  4. Jenn Jilks says:

    It’s been very thin ice across Central and Southern Ontario. Crazy weather!

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