30 Oct
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Fall into Muskoka Video

This is a cool video with some drone shots around Bala, Torrance, Port Carling, and Gravenhurst areas of Muskoka. Thanks to Jon Corbin of Corbin Visual

Fall into Muskoka from Corbin Visual on Vimeo.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns, uncategorized

27 Oct
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Unrelenting Blue Jays

Last week most Canadians were cheering for our beloved Toronto Blue Jays hoping they would make it to the World Series. Unfortunately it didn’t happen however the series was extremely exciting and it brought many people together. These past few weeks I’ve noticed other unrelenting Blue Jays frequenting the gardens to feast on the seeds from the dying sunflowers. I found it very difficult to get close for a clean shot. They seem so nervous and never stay in one place very long.


In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

22 Oct

The Peak is Over

Unfortunately I missed the best of the fall colors and the warm Canadian Thanksgiving this season. I had the opportunity to travel to Ireland and see some beautiful sites. Even though the Muskoka color has peaked there is still some colorful foliage hanging on. Here is a photo from yesterday just off Tally Ho Road.


In: in and around muskoka ontario, tripin around towns

09 Oct
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Muskoka Flyboard

It was as beautiful fall day when I dropped by Summer Water Sports to remove my Seadoo’s for the season. The Muskoka Flyboard team was out front making a video so that they could qualify for the world champions. Notice that there isn’t anyone driving the Seadoo? It’s being controlled remotely by the flyboarder.

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In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

design & theme by Nikola Lazarevic