01 Jul

The Movie – An American in Muskoka

I’m happy to announce that I have received special permission from the filmmaker to share this outstanding documentary about Muskoka. The 76 min movie was shot in Muskoka in the mid 2000’s or about 15 years ago. It takes a very serious look at the changes that are occurring in Muskoka. The film features interviews with notable people such as actor Harry Hamlin, businessman Kevin O’Leary and many other well known lovers/supporters of Muskoka. After nearly two decades of driving by and photographing Cliff Island on Lake Joseph I discovered there was a movie about the American owners who have summered here for well over 100 years. Some of the changes that are occurring on the Muskoka Lakes were taken from the families perspective however some 15 years later it’s not hard to see the changes. I encourage you to watch this film and share it with others. – thank you!

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, secret muskoka

21 Jun
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North Lake Joe

Scenes from my Seadoo – North Lake Joe. The skies were already dark and the sun peeked it’s head out momentarily as it was sinking quickly. I had quite a distance to get back to the cottage before darkness. There are no lights on Seadoos so that others can see you so I don’t want to become a safety hazard. I did one last spinorama and called it a day.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

27 May
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Cameron Island Boathouse

Scenes from my Seadoo – Boathouse du jour. I love the symmetry of this boathouse on Cameron Island on Lake Joe. I recall this property being for sale in 2010 for under $3M. It’s likely more than doubled in value now especially the way real estate values have appreciated on the Muskoka Lakes in Covid-9 times. There is always some interesting architecture available to take in on the lakes.


In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

20 May

Roberts Bay Modern Boathouse

Boathouse du Jour – For the contemporary/modern design aficionados. This boathouse welcomes you as you proceed into Roberts Bay on Lake Joseph. It’s certainly not going to appeal to everyone’s taste however I appreciate it for its simplicity and uniqueness. I think I would have considered removing or not incorporating the pickets around the top sitting area. In my opinion the view outward overrides the ascetics of the design.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

06 May

Cliff Island, Lake Joseph Muskoka Canada

I have been passing by Cliff Island on Lake Joseph for over 15 years and it is easily one of my favorite properties to take in. The property is owned by Americans that have been summering here for well over 100 years. The documentary An American in Muskoka is based on the family and the changes they witness as Muskoka is quickly being transformed into (for lack of better words), a different place. Here are a few current photos of the property. I hope it remains this way for a very long time. To learn a bit more about Cliff Island and the documentary please click on the link for a PDF  Cliff Island



In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

12 Apr
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Low Water levels – No Floods!

Us property owners on the Muskoka Lakes have been somewhat consumed with water levels these past few years. We have had floods on the Big 3 Lakes in 2013, 2017 and 2019. Lake Muskoka has taken most of the damage from these floods. I have documented some of it and you can see it here. This year the water levels appear to be quite low. I’m told by our trusty Mayor Phil Harding that we are at about the same levels as last year. I have no reason to doubt his word as I wasn’t visiting in April last year however when I arrived in early May the water levels were great. The big lakes are now open with all of the ice off them and the spring runoff has tapered off. This week the forecast is calling for lots of rain. It will definitely bring the lake levels up a bit.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

08 Apr
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The Start of a Brand New Season

As the ice melts off the lake I look forward to another great season stumbling in around Muskoka, Canada. I have been a bit remiss in updating the blog as I find that it really doesn’t get much interest until the warmer weather starts and everyone returns to one of the best kept secrets on earth. I do far more updates on my Instagram with at least a photo a day. You can always follow me on IG by clicking here.

Most of you that have found this Blog have probably done so by searching a place that you visited or had a lifelong or childhood memory in Muskoka. There’s been hundreds of comments,  lost connections made and wonderful shared memories within the pages of this site. I find it quite amazing actually that by posting photos that all these magical things happen.

I guess I should mention at least for the time capsule that the world is still suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. We have endeared a year without travel and a sense of normalcy. I’m sure hoping that my American and International friends will be able to return to their beautiful piece of Muskoka paradise this summer. In the meantime, please stay positive, healthy and safe. I’ll do my best and bring you some Muskoka magic with the clock starting now …

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, tripin around towns

05 Sep

Sailboat Houses

There are certainly some unique and interesting boathouses located on the Muskoka Lakes. These four boathouses are designed for sailboats and are found on Lake Rosseau in various locations. There may be others on Lake Muskoka and Joseph but these are the ones I have discovered running around by myself.

Located near the old Eatons property near Windermere on Lake Rosseau

Located on Ouno Island Lake Rosseau in Muskoka

Located at the top end of Lake Rosseau not far from the lighthouse

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

25 Aug

Fairy Island Revisited

This is the boathouse and cottage on Fairy Island. Avern Pardoe the Parlimentry Librarian in Ottawa purchased 50 acres on Lake Joseph for $5 per acre in 1895. It included Fairy Island. It would become the Pardoe family summer residence for over 100 years. The family eventually could not keep up with the costs of upkeep, property taxes and sold the island to the late Richard Ivy somewhere around 2005. There were many interested purchasers but the family decided on Richard Ivys offer as he had no interest in tearing it down. The Ivy family property is near by and looks over to Fairy Island. Please see my recent post about Loon Island.

I’ve been keeping a watch on this magical little island for over 10 years now. Unfortunately it’s slowly deteriorating and I suspect some day I’ll come by and it will be gone for ever. The boathouse and docks shown here in an earlier photo were severely damaged by the high water and ice a few years ago. They are both gone now and only the cottage remains tucked into the trees.

I made a Blog post about Fairy Island back in 2014 and much to my surprise I received quite a few interesting comments including ones from the Pardoe family. You can see how endearing a place it was and the beautiful memories shared at Fairy Island here.




In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

18 Aug
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Loon Island on Lake Joe

The beautiful Arma Island on Lake Joseph.

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

15 Jul

Champlain Island Boathouse

Hey now! – I’m staying fairly active in and around Muskoka even though Covid-19 has put a damper on any socializing. That works just fine for me and my INFJ personality type. I’m quite content riding around on the lakes checking things out. There’s nothing more therapeutic for me in getting out on the water. I’m still posting at least one photo per day on social media with most being right here on Instagram.  Here is a recent scene from my Seadoo while balancing an iPhone. Chaplain Island boathouse Lake Joseph in Muskoka. Please click for a larger photo.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

13 Dec
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Ice Forming

The ice has started to form on the Muskoka lakes now. It is usually the barge and work boats that are the last off the lakes and I believe that has happened now. Things are growing even more quieter until the sleds get out on the trails.  Muskoka just had a 50cm dump of snow 2 days ago. Winter has indeed set in.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

20 Aug

Muskoka Modern

This photo is representative of the new style of architecture that adorns the shorelines of Muskoka Lakes. For the past decade many older family cottages have been torn down and replaced by large glass and steel structures. Some call them McMansions. I’m not being judgmental on whether this is right or wrong. Muskoka has always attracted power and wealthy people with unique tastes. This 7500 sq ft abode is currently available for a mere $14.75M CAD

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

05 Jul
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X Marks the Spot

X marks the spot. Another boathouse in need of structural work on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka. I’ll watch to see if it comes down and gets replaced or if they repair it. It may be beyond repairs by the look of the structural damage. Either way it is going to be expensive. Please click on the image for a biggie size.

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

24 Jun

Wyvern Boathouse

There is a nice quiet bay on Lake Rosseau I occasionally boat into and drop anchor for a swim. Not far away sits this historic boathouse called Wyvern. I know absolutely nothing about it other than the name emblazoned across the top. Over the years I am finding that many of these historic and unique boathouses are becoming neglected and are in need of some love. The neglect happens for a number of reasons including financial resources, aging owners not being involved and the next generation not caring. It takes a lot of money and care to upkeep these places. Just finding contractors to do the work is another factor. Unfortunately many of these places will eventually be bulldozed and replaced with something modern.

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

09 Jun

Back in the Saddle

Finally! – some warmer weather to get out and do some boating. Even on the Victoria Day long weekend there was hardly a boat on the lakes. Only the odd marina service boat was out scuttling about. I’ve been out on my Seadoo a few times and took this photo the other day at sundown while exploring the middle of Lake Joe. iPhone photography.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

28 May

Muskoka Magic Returns

It has been an unusual spring in Muskoka. With the recent flooding and continuation of chilly weather it has not been ideal for gardening, boating, swimming or just sitting on the patio or dock to enjoy a drink. There is promise in the air. Here is a photo I took during sunset the other night casting a very warm Muskoka magic glow.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

29 Apr

Catastrophic Flooding Hits Muskoka

As you are probably aware by now Muskoka and other parts of Ontario are experiencing catastrophic flooding. It is not unusual to experience high water in Muskoka during the spring freshet however it is not normal to experience such serious flooding as we are getting now. The first large flood was in 2013 and I documented it on this Blog. There was another in 2017 and now an even bigger and likely more damaging flood happening right now.

Below are some of the photos of this disastrous 2019 flood mostly taken on Lake Muskoka. The brunt of the damage is on Lake Muskoka as both branches of the Muskoka River flow into it as well as water from Lakes Joseph and Rosseau. The Ministry follows a guideline set out by the Muskoka River Water Management Plan and draws down the lakes through the dam located in Bala, Ontario which exits into the Moon River and down to Georgian Bay. The draw down is supposed to prevent this kind of flooding. It appears everything was done according to plan however we still received disastrous results. There was a record amount of snow this winter combined with lots of rain during the run-off. It is difficult to say whether anything else could have been done to mitigate the damage resulting from these floods.

Photo disclaimer:
Please note that none of these photos belong to me. They have been gathered from various social media posts mainly Muskoka 411 News and RS Muskoka. I always like to acknowledge the original source of photos however it has been difficult to track everyone down due to the influx of photos posted. If I have posted your photo please let me know and I will gladly credit you and thank you for sharing.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water, uncategorized

22 Sep

Nobody Loves Me Anymore

I posted this photo of a run down boathouse over on my Instagram account. It got quite a few comments from you Muskoka people who are out there and know whats going on. I have been watching this Lake Rosseau boathouse slowly deteriorate over the years. I would imagine with the cost of lake front property, taxes and low inventory that this property will be transformed into something new someday. You rarely see any old relics that are falling apart on the lake any more. Even the boathouse up on Fairy Island is gone now however the cottage still stands among the trees.

In: boathouses of muskoka, historic muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

03 Sep
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Sullivan Island, Lake Joe

I was cruising back home via Seadoo after visiting a friend at the bottom end of Lake Joe. I headed due north passing by Caniff Island and then by Sullivan Island.  I looked over at Sullivan Island and it looked perfect with the backdrop of clouds. I have not been traveling as much with my big Nikon camera so I whipped out my trustee iPhone X and got this shot.

In: boathouses of muskoka, in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

design & theme by Nikola Lazarevic