27 Aug

Looking For Goldie and Kurt

Wheres Goldie? Can you take me to Goldie?  Have you seen Goldie?
Everyone wants to know where Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell hang their hats in Muskoka. I fought with myself on whether I should make this post however I reasoned that in Muskoka, Goldie has pretty much been outed a long time ago. However, out of respect I don’t dare drive into her quiet little bay as its blatantly obvious why you are there.

Muskoka is filled with all kinds of celebs, kings of industry and sports stars extraordinaire who come to enjoy its beauty and avoid the hoopla.
So from a distance please wave to Goldie however if you need to see just a teeny bit bigger please click on the image.

Looking For Goldie

Please click on the image for a biggie size

In: in and around muskoka ontario, secret muskoka

11 Responses
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  1. Jenn Jilks says:

    Interesting to see how the other half (?) live or cottage. Have you read Cottageocracy?!

  2. Heather says:

    What a lovely spot…I agree respecting her privacy is important!

    I’ve seen her and Kurt at least once sometimes more in the last three summers, in fact just two weeks ago and people are very good about leaving them alone.

    As for other celebs…they could walk right past me and I wouldn’t know who they are… :0)

  3. Ed says:

    Jenn – are you referring to the Leah McLaren Globe and Mail articles or is there actually a book called Cottageocracy?

  4. leslie says:

    It looks like any other boathouse and cottage on the lakes. this is close to where we are and we never go there. A lot of times locals are accused of snooping on these people when it isn’t us at all because we don’t have time or care. it is just another big cottage to us.

  5. Kathy says:

    Saw Goldie in Port Carling last week buying lamps. She looks super.

  6. Ed Boutilier says:

    Goldie and Kurt are very cool people. I hope people respect them and do not chase them down. They are here to enjoy Muskoka like everyone else.

  7. Jenny says:

    A friend of our had Kurt look at their airplane. I guess he has a pilots licence. The next day she had dinner and beside her was Cindy Crawford. (Washed up apprently) Muskoka is the home to the millionare people.

  8. Michael Thompson says:

    The family rented a vacation property near Port Carling and hoped to see Goldie and Kurt in town.
    Well to our surprise, we did see Goldie shopping for Lamps in a store, once we saw her we wanted to say hi, but did not want to center her out in the store.
    We regret not saying hi, but we thought it was best to let her have her privacy.

    Hi Goldie!!

  9. Anna Thomson says:

    I would love to see pictures of the inside of the house. I thought I would ask. Since I was little I loved seeing my dad work on homes and now I love looking at pictures of inside homes. I moved to Muskoka not to long ago and I live the quietness of it.

  10. Joe says:

    Only way to see inside of the cottage is if you know the owners, otherwise it’s imposible. .unless it goes up for sale , then you could see the insides on the website

  11. Cindy says:

    A few years back, we boated into this beautiful little bay and stopped there for a dip and to let our dog cool off in the water, then swam into shore (away from the cottages tho) so the dog could go ashore for a pee. We were on a 3 lake boat tour that day and really enjoying it. We did notice someone on the deck of the boathouse jump up quickly as tho to take off but then she seemed to relax and sit down. Little did I know that this was the Hawn/Russell residence. I felt quite embarrassed when I found out later as I would not have stopped in THAT bay. Here I was waving hello and taking a dip all la-de-dah …

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