25 Mar

Look, up in the sky, its Supermoon

By the time I got out to photograph last weekends Supermoon up in Muskoka the clouds had moved in and it was quickly sinking in the western sky. Nevertheless it was a spectacular site being the biggest and brightness moon we have seen in the past 18 years.  (14 percent larger and 30% brighter) I took this shot around 6AM and I could hear a low growling noise emanating from the bushes around me which certainly kept me alert and hastened my departure.

By the way, for those of you in the Toronto area this weekend, Friday March 25th to Sunday March 27th is the annual Spring Cottage Life show at the International Centre near the Pearson  International Airport. This is a fairly large show that contains everything from real estate, outdoor gear, building contractors, wildlife to numerous seminars. Its worth checking out.

In: in and around muskoka ontario, uncategorized

3 Responses
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  1. Jenn Jilks says:

    The moon was fabulous in Perth! No clouds. I’m finding the climate here just a bit more temperate. I went out with the wolves and took some photos. It was perfect. Darned cold, though!

  2. Heather says:

    Love the shot…didn’t get to view it first hand, but this photo makes up for it!

  3. Growling from the bushes? Are you KIDDING me? I wouldn’t have stayed for one shot, 18 years or no 18 years.
    By the way, Sideroads came out today and you are looking fine, fine, fine!
    You can also see your fine self on the new SR blog: http://bit.ly/eyKMDh

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