30 Mar

Little Red Boathouse

I talked with a local the other day and he said, “We are still making ice”.  The nights have been below zero therefore things are not melting down yet. The open water around this dock is a result of bubblers being used. Its the time of year when the ice can rip apart your dock or boathouse. I noticed water levels are down about a foot on Joe, Rosseau and Lake Muskoka. The spring run off will top them up a bit more. The Saps been running and people are making Maple Syrup so the spring should happen any time now.

Please click on the photo for a larger sized Pic

In: in and around muskoka ontario, on the water

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  1. Yup, we lost a wee bit of our dock this winter. Thought it was indestructable…. hahahahaha! Love the colour of this old boathouse. So nice to see some of the old fellahs hanging on.

  2. Cathy O'Meara says:

    I have been trying to find a site where I can get daily updates on the ice conditions for Lake Muskoka. We are supposed to be moving to our island on April 15th but doubt that is going to happen given the late spring we are having. Any suggestions as to where I can get this daily information?

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